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军事/资深服务 办公室为计划或目前在OPE电子竞技官网注册的符合va资格和符合dod资格的学生提供有关教育福利的咨询服务.

Many veteran students are eligible for more than one benefit. 在申请退伍军人教育福利之前, it is recommended that students speak with our Veterans Certifying Officials at 531-OPE电子竞技官网-4619 or email at OPE电子竞技官网Vets@pulounge.com.



注意: 一些服务部门提供学费援助和学费报销,学生可以与他们的退伍军人福利一起获得. Please see your military education office for more information.

注意: 的 Department of Veteran Affairs determines final eligibility for all of the various VA education programs.


如果可能的话, 使用军事相关教育福利的新生应在他们计划参加的季度开始前30至60天申请福利. However, application can be made at any time during the quarter. Please retain a copy of your Application Verification Page to submit to OPE电子竞技官网 Veterans Certification Officers. 曾就读于其他机构的学生必须要求将在该机构获得的学分的正式成绩单直接发送到记录办公室,以便对当前OPE电子竞技官网学习计划的先前学分进行评估. 某些退伍军人和退伍军人家属可能有资格获得额外的福利,包括勤工俭学和辅导服务.

OPE电子竞技官网度, 证书和文凭由国家审批机构和退伍军人管理局审批,用于军事经费资源. 领取福利, the entitled person must be in an approved program of study and be eligible to receive benefits. 学生 can only receive benefits for courses required in that program. 学生必须参加注册的所有课程,并保持令人满意的学业进步. 符合条件的学生通常会收到每月的支票, which may vary in amount because it is determined by class length and rate of pursuit.


If a student using military-connected education benefits changes programs of study, 放弃一门课程或退出所有课程, ……是学生的责任 通知退伍军人认证官员531-OPE电子竞技官网-4619. 在本季度的任何时候,课程都被取消了, 没有减轻情节, will result in an over payment dating back to the first day of the quarter. 减轻情节被定义为不可避免的和未预料到的事件,直接影响到课程的学习,并且超出了学生的控制范围.


所有接受蒙哥马利奖的学生 GI Bill®第30章或Selected Reserve第1606章 必须核实他们的登记每月收到付款. This verification can be done either by using the Web Automated Verification of Enrollment (波) 在GI Bill®网站上申请,或使用1-877-823-2378自动电话系统,并按照提示进行申请. Please use your Social Security number to access WAVE or the telephone system.

Beginning with TERMS STARTING ON OR AFTER DECEMBER 17, 2021, all 9/11后的GI法案® students who receive MHA and/or kicker payments need to verify enrollment every month. 这是退伍军人事务部对9/11后退伍军人法案®学生的要求,以证明他们仍然注册了OPE电子竞技官网退伍军人认证官员先前为该季度认证的相同课程.

学生 have the option to verify enrollment via text message or email. VA强烈建议使用短信或电子邮件, 但如果这些选择都不可用, students may call the Education Call Center (ECC) at 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551) to verify enrollment. Please be advised that calling the ECC may result in long wait times. 所有拥有美国手机号码的受影响学生在注册课程后都会收到一条选择加入的短信. 学生必须在14天内回复该文本. After opting in, simply reply to a VA text message each month to verify enrollment. If you opt out of text message verification or do not respond to the opt-in text, you will be automatically enrolled in email verification with the email address on file with VA. 如果您没有收到短信, 需要通过电话验证您的注册, 选择文本验证, 或者注册电子邮件验证, you may call the Education Call Center (ECC) at 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551).

如果您未能提交注册验证 连续两个月, your MHA/kicker payments will be held until you verify your enrollment. 例如, 如果你的任期是1月1日, 2022 and you fail to verify your enrollment for January and February, 2022年3月的付款将被搁置.

更多信息,请访问 VA ch33注册验证网页


使用退伍军人福利的学生必须将所有军事学分和以前的大学课程评估为他们当前的OPE电子竞技官网项目. This evaluation will include any courses(s) taken at an approved educational institution, 即使课程不是由退伍军人管理局支付的. 所有以前学校的正式军事成绩单和学术成绩单应发送到OPE电子竞技官网的记录办公室进行评估.

How do I submit a military transcript / transcript from a prior college or university?

To submit a transcript from a prior college or university, visit the OPE电子竞技官网 提交成绩单 提交地址及电邮的网页.


OPE电子竞技官网 seeks to grant the most credit possible for military training and experience. 军事 students who submit a military transcript are granted up to 3.体育教育(PHED)基础训练5学分. 根据美国教育委员会的建议,军事训练和经验可以获得额外的学分.
有些因素可能会限制接受的学分数量, including departmental accreditation and program-specific requirements. 未作为OPE电子竞技官网特定课程转移的学分可以作为未定义的选修课应用于专业或通识教育要求. 退伍军人和军事学生如果选择的专业课程很少或没有选修课,他们可能会发现他们从军事经历中获得的学分有限.
符合成绩单评估条件的文件可以包括CCAF成绩单(空军社区学院), 律政司司长(联合事务纪录), and other official documents indicating military experience. 此外,OPE电子竞技官网接受DSST (DANTES)和CLEP分数.
Use of military credits to transfer from OPE电子竞技官网 to another institution depends on a number of factors, including whether the institution has a transfer credit agreement with OPE电子竞技官网. 的 institution receiving transfer courses makes the decision regarding award of transfer credit. 军校学生应与接收机构协商,仔细评估他们的转学选择. For additional information on military transfer credits, contact OPE电子竞技官网’s 退伍军人中心.


Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps and Navy: Active Duty, Reserve and veterans. Service members and veterans may order Joint Services 成绩单 by visiting the DoD 联合服务记录(JST)网站.


空军服役人员和退伍军人有资格获得空军社区学院(CCAF)成绩单,记录所获得的学分. Service members and veterans may order CCAF transcripts by visiting the CCAF成绩单 网站.


In the event a student is unexpectedly called to active military service (deployment, TAD, etc.), the student should contact MVS immediately to make arrangements for accommodation. 学生应向MVS提供一份军令副本. MVS将与学生一起促进解决方案,这些解决方案不会导致学生偿还部分教育福利基金的债务,并将提供重修或完成课程的机会. 课程解决方案可能包括:

A. “I”级. According to the OPE电子竞技官网 catalog, "I" grades are issued due to extenuating circumstances. 学生 may be given an extension of time to complete course objectives. Assignment of "I" grades is a faculty prerogative and is issued when students, who have completed the majority (at least 60 percent) of the course requirements, are unable to complete the remainder due to unusual or extenuating circumstances. “I”级必须在发出“I”级的季度结束后的11个月内补上,否则将变为F级. 在颁发不完整等级之前, 教师和学生见面讨论完成剩余作业和/或测试的时间表,以便学生获得高质量的信等级. 老师给学生发一封电子邮件, 并复制相应的学术院长, 确认剩余工作的截止日期. (不计算平均绩点)

B. 如果要求服务发生在学期中学生已经完成足够的工作来颁发成绩的点上, a grade for the course may be issued based on completed progress.

C. 学生可以从学院退学, with VA and DoD considering unanticipated call to active service a mitigating circumstance.


Consistent with the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018, 第38编第3679条, 美国法典, 第103节, OPE电子竞技官网不会因美国学生逾期支付学费而受到任何处罚.S. Department of Veteran Affairs on recipients of Chapter 31 and Chapter 33 VA Benefits. OPE电子竞技官网将允许任何受保个人在个人向OPE电子竞技官网提供第31章或第33章规定的享有教育援助资格证书之日起的一段时间内参加或参加教育课程, 并在以下日期中较早的日期结束:1)VA向机构付款之日或2)收到COE(资格证书)后机构认证学费和费用之日起90天。.

另外, Metropolitan 社区 College will not require that a covered individual borrow additional funds, 由于退伍军人事务部根据第31章或第33章延迟支付资金,导致个人无法履行其对世纪挑战集团的财务义务. A Covered Individual is any individual who is entitled to educational assistance under chapter 31, 职业康复, 或者第33章, 9/11后退伍军人法案®福利, and has been verified by the school certifying official as benefit eligible. This requirement is limited to the portion of funds paid by VA.


军事/退伍军人服务的工作人员总是愿意亲自与你见面,帮助你实现你的教育目标. 和你一起工作, 退伍军人事务部, 和/或国防部, we will do our best to answer your questions and to assist you in meeting your educational goals.




OPE电子竞技官网军事/退伍军人服务- 531-OPE电子竞技官网-4619
弗吉尼亚州内布拉斯加州地区办事处- 888-442-4551


军事/资深服务 -爱德华贝比戈麦斯大道2909号. (30街和L街),连接器大厦.
星期一至星期四 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
星期五, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
